Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Patient information everywhere, what to do with it all?

It was about five years ago, presenting on Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) when I first suggested that all the patient information at a large hospital is just one big clinical trial. At the end of the session, one audience member from a large teaching hospital said that he agreed and that is why they did not destroy any patient data. Unfortunately, I do not know of a provider which is taking advantage of this wealth of information today. Now, this is not a big deal since the data is being used for its intended purpose to treat patients. It does seem to be a lost opportunity.

It is particularly problematic given the growth in clinical data. Growth, it is becoming an explosion; digital X-rays, MRIs, retinal scans, DNA sequencing, digitize pathology samples…. It is a good thing Hewlett Packard makes large storage arrays. Did I mention that I work at Hewlett Packard? Our ExDS can scale to almost 1 PB less than $2/GB. I have spoken to some Hospitals who are exceeding ½ PB of storage today.

So what is keeping us from using all this data for the collective good? Simple matter of money in my book. What? How can increase the value of the information? Maybe the answer is DNA sequencing. Once the cost of sequencing gets driven down so that we can all afford the test, there may be an opportunity.

At one of the Hewlett Packard Healthcare Symposiums, I once heard someone suggest that the 21st century is the century of personalized medicine. Personalized medicine in the sense that we a know sequence, a clinician will be able to customize the treatment to a patient with a little help from the Pharmaceutical companies. Boutique drugs, personalized to your sequence. Now, there is where the money is, as well as the savings. Savings? Yea. I heard that less than half prescriptions written are not effective for the patient. If a clinician could avoid these prescriptions, and always had their prescriptions be effective, sure that is a big savings, as well as better patient care.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The storm cloud.

Cloud computing, it’s nebulous, or maybe cumulus nimbus. No matter who you ask, you will get a slightly different answer. Always a similar theme, but slightly different. Personally, I think it is one of those trends, like recessions, which you don’t know it’s here until you are well into it.
If I look at the current situation, there are tell tale signs like SaaS and Is an ISP’s email offering or a Snapfish photo hosting service cloud computing? Sure.

Many of the Healthcare software providers already deliver their solutions via a hosting model, like Cerner, Iron Mountain, Philips, and GE Healthcare. Are they cloud computing? In my book they are. So what are we expecting to happen to declare that we are officially in a cloud, darn if I know? What is the internet if not a cloud? Let’s proclaim victory and move on to Galactic computing or nuro-computing or whatever the next trend is.

Well maybe we have to let go of our personal generators or personal wells to allow the cloud or utility computing become a reality. Why is it that we trust Ma Bell but not our computer networks? Reliability? I don’t think so? Think cell phone coverage and reliability. Convenience? Maybe. I AM typing this on a plane, can’t do that on the net yet!

In my book, it really does not matter, it like cutting, just pick the right knife for the job. The one which gets it done the way it needs to be done. There are clouds and there is rain and snow, and rivers and streams. They are all water.